K9 Hitter
This call lure really shines on the K9 line and can take the weather. Has two ingredients that animals seek out for nutrition, and this eye watering, sweet lure is deadly on coyotes! Hitter stays at the set and causes them to really work the set when used down a dirt hole. Also has a shot of skunk to help carry on those cold nights.
Little Squeakers
This is a old time formula from a fox trapper in Arkansas, a food based lure with a new twist. We will tell you that the base is a fox's favorite prey, mouse. Any thing else can't be told. little Squeeker's has a slight taint with a under- lying sweet smell that drives them wild. Works on coyote, fox,and cats
K9 Thumper
Twin brother to the legendary K9 Hitter, K9 Thumper is a greasy food type paste lure that can take the weather and stays where you put it. Will cause a strong digging reaction when placed down a dirt hole increasing the chance of success
By request from trappers for an all-weather lure, Spots Galore underwent 2 years of testing in the worst of conditions and came out on top. A very thick lure that turns to a heavy paste in cooler weather it contains bobcat glands, a shot of civet musk, and minty undertone that really reaches out on those cold nights.
Spotted Flattail
If this bobcat lure smelled any more like a cats favorite food a beaver, it would cut down trees. But don't be fooled into thinking it is just another castor based lure. It is full of cat attracting smells that draws old toms from afar. Very thick lure that can be used down a hole or on a rub post. Made with REAL catnip. A must for any hardcore cat trapper. Also a great beaver lure too!
A liquefied meat based long distance call lure that drives K9 and cats wild. Not just a load of skunk essence but 10 different calling ingredients combined to produce a strong call lure that stays in it's place.
Super Red
A red fox gland based call lure like no other on the market. Top quality aged glands mixed with just the right amount of additives and fixatives to reach out and call both fox and coyote to the set without having to deal with the smell of skunk. Soon to be a top seller.
Hot Shot
Hot Shot is a blend of urine, 2 ounces of gland mix and passion ingredients that are known to attract K-9s and cats. Hot shot comes in a 16oz flip-top bottle and 3 different flavors that include red fox, coyote and bobcat. Just bed the trap, give it a shot and go.
Hoo Doo coon lure is a sticky, fishy, cherry sweet lure with a slight undertone of skunk for long distance. A true LDC coon lure. This lure will not freeze and has no bitter taste. First used in dog proof-traps it has proven to be equally good in pockets, dirt holes, and smear sets. One of a kind coon lure. Works on Muskrats too.
Killer BeaverLure
This beaver lure has been the Killer of hundreds of old blanket flattails. Made with high quality Washington state castors this castor/food combo lure will reach out on cold nights and call beaver in from long distance. Works well on trap shy beaver and year-round as well.
Black Bayou Otter Lure
Otters are one of the most difficult animals to lure into a trap, and that is why we are so proud of this lure. Three years of thought and testing went into this lure before it was made available to the public and even then in a limited supply. An aged mink gland-based lure with plenty of other extras added in to make otter work the set hard looking for the source of the smell. Black Bayou is also a great
change up on the predator line.
Cherry Back
A 100% aged red fox gland lure with natural enhancers added to get those high dollar
Liquid Hoo Doo
After several request from long line cooners for a lure that could be put out as fast as they trap the concept for liquid Hoo Doo was formed. Same great formula as the original Hoo Doo but in a squirt-able form. Simply fill a DP trap with wool, add lure and go. Also works great in pockets and coni-buckets. cherry reds attention. Has prove to be effective and gray fox and coyotes as well. 1 PINT BOTTLE
If you have every tried Spotted Flat-tail and liked it, then 007 will not disappoint you. We took SFT turned it into a liquid added skunk and a host of K9 and cat ingredients to produce a lure that has a license to kill!